WHEN Asean




“Tracing our Malayan Roots: An Educational Journey to the UNESCO Heritage Sites of Southeast Asia through Cultural Immersion and Training”

March 27 - April 4, 2018 Cambodia, Vietnam, and Malaysia

Objectives: At the end of one (1) week travel, NAUCP delegates are expected to:

  1. Understand the history of each UNESCO Heritage Sites to better appreciate how these cultural landmarks reflect the culture of the Malay race.

  2. Understand the efforts being undertaken by the Cambodia, Vietnam and Malaysia’s UNESCO National Associations and government units concerned to preserve the sites, lessons from which Philippine delegation can learn and can adapt for the preservation of the country’s tangible culture.

  3. Promote peace education through intercultural understanding and appreciation of each country’s history.

World Heritage Education and eNcounter (WHEN) is a series of training, learning and visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Southeast Asian Regions particularly Cambodia, Vietnam and Malaysia. The board of trustees of the National Association of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines, (NAUCP) Inc. takes part its role into putting and promoting a strong partnership and linkage with its neighboring countries towards peace and sustainable development as embodied under 17th Sustainable Development Goal known as Partnership for the Goals.

With all the learnings that will be equipped for all the NAUCP Board of Trustees, they are expected to apply all the knowledge and experiences they have in their respective schools, institutions and community in the formulation of their projects and activities in building a peaceful and just society.