16th Mitsubishi Asian Children's Enikki Festa

The 16th Mitsubishi Asian Children’s Enikki Festa is designed to provide an opportunity for children worldwide to understand Asian people’s daily lives through illustrated diaries. We will invite children from 24 different countries and regions in Asia to draw their illustrated diaries under the theme of “My life that I want to share with anyone in Asia”. Why don’t you participate in this event to let friends in Asia know about your life and culture through your three-page illustrated diaries?



(1) Entry period: July 1 – October 31, 2024

(2) National Screening (Philippines): November 2024

(3) International Screening (Japan): May 2025

(4) The International Awarding Ceremony and a cultural exchange program will be held in Osaka, Japan in July - August (tentative), 2025.



(1) Volume

Each Enikki will be drawn on the A4-size [297mm long x 210mm wide] drawing paper or the equivalent paint, color pencils or crayons, etc. and each entry should be three pages.




In Japan we have a custom of creating “Enikki” (Illustrated Diaries) that portray daily events and thoughts in the form of a picture and a short essay. In an “Enikki” the author not only writes about things he/she has

seen, heard, done or thought, but also describes his/her rich humanity and sensibility. Since pictures can

transcend language and literacy boundaries, “Enikki” can be a very effective means for cross-cultural understanding.

(2) Theme

 “My life that I want to share with anyone in Asia” (You may choose any subjects you want for your

diary) Any subject can be chosen from your daily life. Enikki can describe what you did, saw, experienced

or had in mind in your daily life that you want your Asian friends to know and to understand, such as

nature and climate, favorite games, family and friends, school life, and local festivals and traditional

performing arts.


(3) Eligibility

Children aged 6 - 12 at the time of entry


(4) Entry Period

July 1 – October 31, 2024, in the Philippines.


(5) Format

An A4-size (297mm long x 210mm wide) page with the picture at the top (two-thirds of the page), and the essay beneath (one-third of the page). The picture and essay being on the front side of the page. Please do not use the backside. 

(6) Entry Procedures

a. Write your name on the back of each of the three pages, and number them (on the back) 1 – 3.

b. Fill in the entry form attached to the Entry Requirements and turn it in with your entry.

c. Put the three pages together with the entry form, and deliver or mail them.

d. Please do not damage the entry by using a glue or stapler or laminating them.


(7) Application Criteria

The entry shall be disqualified if the work includes any of the followings which may infringe any other

person’s copyrights or which may deny originality of the Enikki;

a) any copy or reproduction of pictures, cartoons, sentences etc.

b) cut-out of anything that may infringe trademark and/or portrait rights.

c) cut-out from printed materials such as newspapers, magazines and advertisements.

herself/himself and the essay be written by the entrant herself/himself. Any digital artworks or typed or

word-processed essays will be disqualified.

(8) Awards

[1] Grand Prix Award (one winner per country)

Winners will receive trophies and commemorative medals and will be invited to the Award

Ceremony and a cultural exchange program to be held in Japan. (In case unexpected events

happen, the tour will be canceled at the sole discretion of the Organizers and the possible

participants will receive commemorative goods instead.)

[2] Organizers’ Awards (Winners will receive certificates of the award and commemorative gifts).

Mitsubishi Public Affairs Committee Award (one winner per country)

Asian Pacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations Award (one winner per country)

National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan Award (one winner per country)

[3] Excellence Award (four winners per country)

(Winners will receive certificates of the award and commemorative gifts.)


(9) Selection Method

The Executive Committee in each country and region will carry out the first screening, and will select 8 entries. These 8 entries will then be sent to Japan where they will be judged by the International Screening

Committee in Japan. In this way, winning “Illustrated Diaries” will be selected.

*Please note that entries sent to Japan will not be returned. The right to the “Illustrated Diaries” is held by the organizers.

(10) Selection Criteria 

When the National Screening Committee conducts screening, it is advised that the Committee follows the

criteria mentioned below:

[1] How much the Enikki shows the features unique to the country or region, such as

culture, national characters, local customs, local life, local nature and environment.

[2] How much the Enikki demonstrates the sensitivity or viewpoints unique to the child.

[3] How much the Enikki has the workmanship of concept, construction, and carefulness.

[4] How much the Enikki covers a variety of topics.


Dr. Serafin A. Arviola Jr.

Chairman, National Coordinating Body of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines





Ms. Geraldine Remo

Board Member, National Coordinating Body of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines

St. Bridget School 1047 Aurora Bld, Quezon City


0915-8438437/ 09285595779


In this regard, we would like to invite your club to serve as an arm of NCBUCP in implementing this project in your school and localities. We would like to encourage you to look for at least 50 elementary school children to participate and send entries for this competition.

You can download the entry forms below.


We hope that you will make this project as your own and encourage creativity among Filipino Children.


Thank you.

Dr. Serafin A. Arviola Jr.

Chairman, NCBUCP

One of the Enikkis by Xantara San Juan, the Grand-Prix Winner of the Philippines in the 2021-2022 Festa.

Download here:

(002) ENTRY GUIDELINES Enikki 2024 - 2025.pdf
(003A) Format for Children to Draw.pdf
003) Entry Form Enikki 2024 - 2025.pdf