Roles of the NCBUCP Board

The following is an excerpt from the Constitution and By-Laws:




The Board of Trustees of the Association are the officers of the BOT consist of the fifteen (15)   members namely: the Chairman of the Board, the President as Vice-Chairman, Vice- President Internal, Vice-President External, Secretary-General, Treasurer, Auditor and Public Relations Officers for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao (3) and five (5) other members. BOT shall be responsible for the policy affecting the Association.


The Functions, Duties and Responsibility of the NCBUCP Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees or BOT shall be the policy-making and implementing body of the Association that governs the Regional Executive Council with the following duties and responsibilities:


1.      Lead in the promulgation of policies, rules and regulations of the Association and present the same to the general membership for amendments and approval;

2.      Enter into contract for and in behalf of the Association;

3.      Act as guardian of funds and custodian of property of Federation;

4.      Keep all financial documents such as receipts, passbooks, checking account etc.;

5.         Appropriate funds for all Association’s activities;

6.      Decide with finality the cases of impeachment of any officer of the Association

7.      Observe quorum in all its meetings and decisions;

8.      Submit promptly not later than April 30 to SEC, the annual NCBUCP financial report audited by a BIR - accredited external auditor.

9.      Preside the meeting during the NCBUCP General Assembly




Section 1. Functions of the Chairman:

a.      Preside all the meetings of the Board of Trustees;

b.      Lead in the promulgation of policies, rules and regulations of the Association and present the same to the general membership for amendments and approval as promulgated by the BOT;

c.      Decide with finality the cases of impeachment of any officer of the Association as approved by the majority members of BOT.

a. Enter into contract for and in behalf of the Association with the Vice-Chair/President as co-signatory;


Section 2. Functions of the President & Vice Chairman:

a.      The President shall be the executive officer of the Association responsible for planning and accomplishments of the NCBUCP Master Plan and Medium-Term Development Plan

b.  Carry out policies, rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Trustees;

c.      Create committees as may be deemed necessary to ensure success of the organization’s activities specially the Annual National Convention.

d.        Conduct other official functions assigned by the Board of Trustees.


Section 3. Functions of the Vice President Internal Affairs:

a.      Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties on matter affecting internal affairs of the Association and serve as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees

b.      Assume the duty of the President during the latter’s incapacity, death, resignation of removal from office, serving only the unexpired potion of the term.

c.         Assume supervisory function over all national committees created by the BOT

d.      Perform such other duties assigned by the President.


Section 4: Functions of the Vice President for External Affairs:

a.      Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties on matter affecting external affairs of the Association.

b.      Assume the duty of the Vice-President Internal Affair during the latter’s incapacity, death, resignation of removal from office, serving only the unexpired portion of the term.

c.  Assume supervisory function over all regional councils and chapters;

d.      Serve as liaison officer of NCBUCP with the NatCom, AFUCA, WFUCA and other national and international organization;

e Perform such other duties assigned by the President.


Section 5: Functions of the Secretary-General:

a.      Prepare the agenda of the BOT meeting in consultation with the Chairman and Vice- Chairman/President.

b.      Record and prepare minutes of the BOT meeting and furnish copies of the same to all the members of the BOT.

c.  Prepare and send letters, notices and other communications.

d.  Keep an accurate and updated record of all activities of the Association.

e.  Notify and remind officers and other members of the scheduled regular and special meetings.

f.        Perform such other duties and functions assigned to him/ her by the President


Section 6: Functions of the Treasurer:

a.      Implement as systematic collection of all fees, etc. as prescribed by the Constitution and by– laws.

b.  Prepare financial reports and submit the same to the Auditor.

c.  Prepare quarterly financial reports and present the same to the BOT

d.  Perform such other functions and duties assigned by the President.


Section 7: Functions of the Auditor:

a.  Audit the book of accounts of the Federation quarterly.

b.      Secure from the treasurer a prepared financial report with all pertinent documents necessary to properly perform his duty.

c.  Submit audited financial reports to the BOT.

d.  Perform such other functions and duties assigned to him/her by the President


Section 8: Function of the Public Relations Officer:

a.  Do liaison work with the public except for the task assigned to the VP for External Affairs

b.      Prepare press releases and takes responsibility and dissemination of all pertinent information to the members of the Federation,

c.  Keep a file of press releases and keep files thereof.

d.  Do the documentation of all activities, projects and programs of the association.

e.  Perform such other functions and duties assigned to him/ her by the President